الأربعاء، 20 أغسطس 2008

My journey to ICT - Day One

Hello every one :)

Today was my first day in the ICT course, although before entering class I was privileged to have an unintended tour around Abu Dhabi streets, Al Moroor street to be specific, I didn’t enjoy it and it wasn’t planned believe me! I got out of my work (Zayed University) to stop a taxi. I told him to drop me at Emirates College for Educational Development but it seems that he misheard me. I leaned back sure of the good service (it was one of the grey taxis if you know what I mean) with my mind wondering not aware of the road. To my misfortune he stopped at the Higher Colleges of Technology! He stopped more than once to ask people and taxis about the place

I was ashamed of myself for not knowing the exact location and internally mad at that driver but eventually excused him; ECAE is a new place and so is the driver himself. Finally I arrived with a charge of 21.70 Dhs and if the driver or me knew the exact location it could’ve cost me only 5 or even 3 Dhs. Since Zayed University is so near the place; I did it the hard way.
I entered the administration building looking for the class but I couldn’t find my name on any of the lists and I went all the way to the other building to find out that there is no body there in the first place because of maintenance. I spent nearly 10 minutes on another class so that I won’t waste my time and in that class’s break I looked for my class and finally found it.

Surely, it wasn’t my day

I made it to the class at last. I met the instructor; he was understanding. I greeted my classmates. I arrived when the teacher was explaining about computers and how they are used as a tutor, tutee and as a mental and productive tool. We were supposed to create a gmail but the system went down so this step was decided to be postponed until tomorrow. We learned some interesting techniques in powerpoint like creating a hyperlink (to a slide or a web page) and choosing from the designs available. Next time we are going to learn more about blogging; I’m so excited about it.Later at the end of the class I asked my colleagues about whether I missed anything important and they informed me that in the first session, our teacher introduced himself and talked a little bit about his family and hobbies
To me this is a very important part, it's always good to know the human side of teachers

It seems that reversing roles, me being a student instead of a teacher, make us behave and think just like them. This is in itself is an opportunity to be in our students' shoes; struggling and facing difficulties if introduced with new skills and lessons. As a result we would be more understanding and tolerant to those small minds


هناك تعليقان (2):

ATQ يقول...

You deserve a medal for just making it to the class :-)

English Teacher يقول...

And you deserve a golden medal
yourself for your patience with our endless and sometimes naive questions

I'm so sorry i got caught up in the blogging thing (I never had a blog before although I'm usually an observer of others' blogs)that I couldn't reply to your gmail.. your encouaraging words push me forward..I really don't know how you get the time to reply to all of us..

Thanks a bunch again