الأربعاء، 20 أغسطس 2008

Day Three

At the beginning of class the instructor introduced the topic: student-centered learning and asked us to make a mind map about advantages and disadvantages and any other relative ideas.

This was our group's mind map:

After that we were taught how to make a link in our blog without having to paste the url address.

We have to go to edit, highlight the word or sentence, click on the add a link button and then paste the copied link. Look at illustration

Highlight the word you want to connect
a link to
Click on the add hyperlink button
it looks similar to this

we go back to the our link and copy it

Finally we paste the url address here then press ok

and vwalaaa mission accomplished :)

The instructor presented us with a site about the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide and later on we discovered that this long word Dihydrogen Monoxide simply means h2o which is water! How can water be a dangerous substance. The site was fake although it seemed to be so true. The point is that we shouldn't believe everything written simply because it is written we have to look for other opinions and sources to know the truth.

Microsoft Excel makes it possible for the computer to audibly read back data entered on a worksheet.We learned this interesting trick. We couldn't verify if what we did was correct because there were no speakers or headphones but I guess it's correct. I tried it at home with my sister's laptop but it seems the a different version of windows was installed.

In order to do this we have to open excel, select excel options, customize, choose all commands, choose speak cells on enter, click add then O.K. Look at the pictures for illustration.

Another trick in powerpoint is to add comments when moving the cursor on a certain image.

APA reference style: this is a certain way in siting references and quotes in either your blog or essays
Some important sites:
(the teacher's blogs)

هناك تعليقان (2):

ATQ يقول...

I am sorry that you couldn't get the sound to work at home. Yes, you have to set it up quite differently on Office 2003 than what we did with office 2007.

English Teacher يقول...

aha .. I guess I'll use the trial- error strategy (always does the trick) until I figure out the way
your feedback is always appreciated :)